DON’T MISS IT … I have always been fascinated by reading Psalms & reading about David & how he would be in these unbelievable situations but in the midst of them.

He would speak LIFE to himself & find fuel & perspective. I’ve come to realize that oftentimes we think for us to find Contentment in life, is getting out of our current situation or for us to go to a certain place that we think will Satisfy that desire & longing for true purpose in our lives.

You know what I mean!? ”the same old same old” Dealing with the same stuff year after year & you just want things to change once for all but it’s funny how most of the time when we get those things after years of wanting them they never end up changing us & our problems.

I believe it’s because we already have the answer we’re looking for inside us we just don’t really believe we do or we don’t care to look. So we end up thinking it’s the external that’s the answer not internally. God loves & usually wants to work INSIDE – OUT. The world wants to work OUTSIDE – IN. God’s desire is for us to be TRANSFORMED not Conformed.‬

We need to search out our hearts & see that The Lord wants to unveil, & unleash what he has already planted IN us. There is a seed that has been birthed into every single one of us, but it’s our job to water it & take care of it so it can grow. The Breakthroughs we often desire are not outside of us but WITHIN US. When we start looking within ourselves, we end up realizing that there is nothing better than this MOMENT RIGHT NOW.

We could easily miss it in our lives & start wondering around & around for years & years as Israelites did in the desert, what was supposed to be a 3 days journey ended up being 40 years because they didn’t position themselves to TAKE what was already PROMISED to them.

Today can do the same thing going around & around the mountains in our lives, searching for answers in the wrong places. I encourage you today if you’re in overseas missions or working a 9 to 5 job or if you’re a stay at home mom, whatever it is that you do, to look within 👀 & search your heart so you don’t miss the LIFE GOD has for you RIGHT NOW. It can all begin TODAY. The Choice Is Yours !!!